Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6th - 20h00

Today was OK. They still have the oxygen at 21%, but they managed to reduce the flow from 2L to 1L. They had to go back to 2L later on though.

Stevie had two bottles today and his feeding has been increased to 35ml per feed. They'll move this up to 40ml tonight hopefully. Some of the feeds are still through the nasal gastric tube because he gets tired of his bottle and then falls asleep. The sister then sits him up, he burps like he's had a big beer and he carries on sucking again.

They also had to put him back on the sun bed cause his Biliruben count is high. No real surprises for dad there.

Otherwise he's doing well. Progress is gentle for the time being, but that's fine. Dr. Swanepoel was back today and she's super happy. So are we :-)

Here's a picture of Steve on the tanning bed. Notice the cool shades. Oh yeah. He's 49 cm in length.

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